Sunday, April 19, 2020

Article Analysis Caitlin Morans My Big Fat Freaky Wedding Essay Example

Article Analysis: Caitlin Morans My Big Fat Freaky Wedding Essay It also shows that she was upset by how bad the wedding was, this is shown when the quote reads, l dont want to exaggerate, meaning that in her mind the wedding was so bad that she has to exaggerate the point of just how bad it was. The term by God shows that she is comparing the severity Of how bad it was to God, this shows the reader just how bad it was, it also expresses how upset she was about it. Further on in the article Moran tells the reader about her break up from her future husband, she tells us about how at first she was happy about it, but then later on she became incredibly unhappy. Moran explains this by writing albatross- unhappiness has descended. It wasnt depression, or misery it was both restless, and more hopeful, than that, this tells the reader how she felt, and how confused she was about how she felt. Using the term, albatross- unhappiness shows just how unhappy she was, that she felt almost cursed by how unhappy she was. She then writes that she didnt feel depressed but she felt restless but also hopeful, this shows that she was feeling confused about how she felt, as hopefulness is a contrast of being unhappy. Later n in the article Moran tells the reader that she didnt want a big wedding. The way that she describes her ideal wedding shows that she was unenthusiastic about the whole event, this is revealed when she writes, It would have cost less than 200 quid. We could have knocked it all off in five hours flat, this shows that she didnt really care about what is considered the most important day of your life. It also shows how underwhelming she is by the idea of having a big wedding, which tells the reader that Moran is quite upset by having a big, expensive wedding. We will write a custom essay sample on Article Analysis: Caitlin Morans My Big Fat Freaky Wedding specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Article Analysis: Caitlin Morans My Big Fat Freaky Wedding specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Article Analysis: Caitlin Morans My Big Fat Freaky Wedding specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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